Sunday, March 18, 2012

Making Millions in Stock Market

Do you want to learn Basic Stock Market Investing? and 
become a Professional Portfolio Manager?
What If....

You Can Learn Basic Trading in Stock Market and become
Professional Portfolio Manager in the Future in just 
1 Day of Comprehensive Seminar and Workshop




Makings Millions in Stock Market
"Basic Stock Market Investing to Professional Portfolio Management"

Dear Aspiring Enrollees,
In case You don't know about me, My name is Ryan Jake Bere much better known as "Jake Bere". I'm the Financial and Investments Adviser of The Business Incubators and has already started multiple Stocks trading and Portfolio using his expertise in the industry and is currently creating a Millionaire Maker Investment Program. You can visit me at for more information about me.

Why You Should Enroll In My Seminar and Workshop?
Here are some benefits you'll be getting from attending:
  1.  Learn the Basic Of Investing  in Stock Market From The Philippine Stock Exchange itself.
  2. Get A step-by-step approach on How to do Fundamental Analysis on Buying and Selling of stocks.
  3. Learn How to Spot Undervalued Stocks with one single Glance.
  4. Learn Quantitative Analysis Combine with the Value Investing Technique
So When and Where Will The Seminar and Workshop Be Conducted? 
It will be held at: 
Maxwell Hotel
N. Escario Street  Cebu City 


April 21, 2012
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

You may contact these number for inquiries:
+639225326924 (sun)

How Much Is My Learning Investment For This Kind Of Seminar and Workshop? 

Normally, in my one-on-one Coachings and Workshops, I charge around P5000 and above for a 4 hour coaching. But since I like to help and share my knowledge to the public, not limited to one person, I'll be giving a very very very, crazy, INTRODUCTORY PRICE of only 

Php 1,597 Only / Person
(Regular Walk-in Price) 

But Wait!!! 

We always say that the Early bird catches the worm right? So I want to give away a very big discount for those who will ENROLL and REGISTER NOW! Instead of paying Php 1,597, I'll be slashing Php300 from that price! Now, you're Learning Investment is down to 

Php 1,297 only / person!
(Early-Bird Promo - Until Apr. 16 only!)

But Wait!!!
We will Give YOU a Special Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy OFFER that YOU couldn't resist to ATTEND my Seminar and Workshop. We will Give YOU an offer to Secure Your Slot in this Seminar. 
We will Give YOU ...

Php 500 only / person!
(for Reservation Fee - Until Apr. 16 only!)

Aside from the  BENEFITS you'll be getting after attending the workshop I mentioned above, I'll also be giving you FREE BONUSES!


Even before you decide right now, there are also a hundred people looking at the same page as you right now! And are now willing to ENROLL NOW! 

Here's How To Register Now: 
Option 1: Bank Deposit 

You can also deposit the amount to our BPI Account at:
Name: Ryan Jake Bere
Number: 9199-0716-69
Type: Savings Account
After depositing, please text 0922-5326-924 Your COMPLETE NAME, CELLPHONE#, EMAIL ADDRESS and the TIME and DATE of your DEPOSIT or email it to
Option 2: Cash Payments
We can setup Personal Meet ups either in Ayala or SM. Just contact +63922-5326-924 or Landline # (032) 236- 7698 and look for Joel.

If you don't decide and act quicky, we apologize in advance if you won't be able to get your slots! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Make Cash,In A Flash Seminar in Cebu

Do You Want To Make Fast Cash Before The Year Ends?
What If There's A Seminar That Will Teach You How To Start Your Own Multiple Streams Of Income and Make Cash In a Flash, with little or NO INVESTMENTS At All, Right Here, Right Now??
Will You Be The Fast Player To Grab The Opportunity? Or Just Be One Of The Few "Spectators" Who Always Gets Left Out In Every Opportunity?

If You're FAST and READY... then Buckle your Seat Belts On!

The Business Incubators

Make CASH, In A FLASH! Seminar (Cebu)
"How To Start Multiple Income Streams With Little or Zero Investments and Earn Fast Profits!"
Dear Friend,
Have you heard of the saying...
"Opportunity Knocks Only Once"?
If yes, then you probably know how FAST the Opportunity can come to you... and how FAST it can also be GONE in Second! That's why were here today to share to you another Seminar that YOU, yes YOU, can now GRAB FAST and Finally Learn to:
  1. Start A Business Out Of Your Creativity Fast! (Passion, Skills, Expertise, Talents)
  2. Make Your Money Work For Yo Through from Investments and Paper Assets even without going out from your House and with you Pajamas on! (Stock Market, Mutual Funds)
  3. Earn Fast Cash Through Art Of Selling Without Any Existing Business, Products & Services and without any Skill in Selling (even for Total Newbies!)
  4. Instantly Suck In Money (Thousands or even Millions!) In One Transaction Transaction through the Art Of Negotiation (no Products needed! This is Crazy!)
  5. And a whole LOT, LOT, LOT more!

Hungry For More?

Here are the BENEFITS you can Get from Attending The Seminar
1. Creative Entrepreneurship
by: Hanz Florentino
(valued at P1,997 if Stand-Alone Seminar) 
*Do What You Love and Make Money (and Lots Of It!) Doing It*
*Get a Ton of Business Ideas You Can Start Right Away!*
*Instantly Get INSPIRATIONS in Lightning Speed and Come Up With A Fast Money Making Machine!* 

2. Paper Assets Investing

by: Jake Bere
(valued at P1,997 if Stand-Alone Seminar) 
*Make Money in The Comforts Of Your Own House, Doing The Business only 4 Hours a Week!*
*Bring your Business anywhere (even while on Vacation!) and still EARN!*
 *Learn the Basic Technicalities to Start Investing MINUS the Headache*
 *Follow True To Life Examples and Stories from People Earning Millions through Investing*

3. Fast Cash Selling

by: Jan Mckingley Hilado
(valued at P1,997 if Stand-Alone Seminar) 
*Know Why Most Rich People are those who know How To Sell!*
*Start your Own Products (whether it's Physical or Virtual/Digital) and Sell them Offline or Online (Internet)!*
*Don't Have Product Ideas? Now Worries! You're going to learn how to sell other people's products!*
*You Think Selling Is Hard? Think again! Here's an Idiot-Proof "Secret Technique" To Make A Sale without even Selling!"
 *Scared Facing People? Learn how you can sell without even seeing your prospect! (This is CRAZY!)*

4. Art Of Negotiation

by: Tony Hilado
(valued at P1,997 if Stand-Alone Seminar) 
*Learn how you can make any transactions MORE advantageous for you*
*In a Simple, Fast, Split-Second Decisions and Negotiations and Instantly Make Money in Lightning Speed!*
*And NO! You don't need any product or business to do it! Just the "Technique"*
*And this "Technique" can be used in Any Industry, Anywhere, and Anytime!* 

So are you NOW READY to Learn More?
Then attend our:
1st Run
"Make Cash, In A Flash Seminar! In Cebu"

SM City Cebu, Conference Hall (near Trade Hall)
December 18, 2011,


Your Learning Investment Is A Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, One-Time Payment of Only

(8 Hours, One-Time Payment, Valued Regularly for P9997) 

BUT WAIT! Here's More!


*Take HOME all our presentations and Learn from your Home!* (Valued at P1997)
*Take HOME a Ready-Made Business Concept That You Can Apply Immediately After The Seminar!*(Valued at P997)
*Get FREE Business and Marketing Consulations for 1 Month!* (Valued at P3000/hour)

If You Register Before December 15, 2011...
You Can Avail Of Our EARLY-BIRD PROMO of only

(But only to those who are FAST!)
So what are you waiting for?? REGISTER Now and Make CASH In a FLASH!

Here's How To Register:

Option 1: Credit Card/Paypal

You can immediately use your Credit Card or Paypal account on this website (above) and click on the QUANTITY of Tickets you're going to get and click on ORDER NOW. You'll be taken to the Payment Page after.

Option 2: Bank Deposit (BPI)
You can also deposit the amount to our BPI Account at:
 BPI (Mabolo-Cebu Branch)
Name: Jan Mckingley Hilado
Number: 9269 0333 87
Type: Savings Account

After depositing, please text 0922-8845-847 Your COMPLETE NAME, CELLPHONE#, EMAIL ADDRESS and the TIME and DATE of your DEPOSIT or email it to

Option 3: Cash Payments
We can setup Personal Meetups either in Ayala or SM. Just contact 0922-8845-847 or Landline # (032) 266-0821 and look for TONY.

After payment, you will automatically receive an ELECTRONIC TICKET (e-ticket) sent in your INBOX. PRINT IT, then Bring the Printed Ticket on the Event Date and Venue.
So Again, If You Think You're FAST ENOUGH to Get Rich Quick, then don't let this opportunity pass!

About the Speakers:
Hanz Florentino - is the Creative Director of The Business Incubators and has already set-up Multiple Income Streams using his talents in Creativity using Graphics Design, Video Editing and Making, Web Designing and more! You can visit his website at

Jake Bere - is the Financial and Investments Adviser of The Business Incubators and has already started multiple Stocks trading and Portfolio using his expertise in the industry and is currently creating a Millionaire Maker Investment Program. You can visit him at

Jan Mckingley Hilado - is in charge of the Sales and Marketing Department of The Business Incubators and the expert in Authentic Selling, Branding, Product and Services Packaging, Marketing and Promotions and Internet Marketing Coach and Trainer. You can visit him at his website at

Tony Hilado - is the CEO and Founder of The Business Incubators. He's an expert in the field of Power Negotiations and Entrepreneurship and has built several business with the power of his thoughts, words and languages used in Business Transactions and Negotiations

For Ticket Inquiries text or call this # 0922-7372-632